National Biotechnology Education Center
High School Pathways
Incorporating Biotech into High School Curricula
We help high school teachers start and sustain workforce-oriented biotechnology programs and to incorporate biotechnology into existing biology and chemistry courses. We also help state education agencies and school districts adopt best practices for establishing CTE and non-CTE biotech programs that prepare students for biotechnology careers.
What we can do for you:
- Provide skill-standards based curriculum for dual credit biotechnology programs.
- Connect with other biotechnology programs in your region and across the nation.
- Help build biotechnology pathways from high school to community college.
- Help establish 3rd party testing and competency badging.
- Help with equipment purchases and set-up.
- Provide professional development and mentoring for teachers.
- Network with state education agencies.
- Help identify grant funding for programs.
Linnea Fletcher, Ph.D.
Biotech Department Chair, ACC -
- +1 512 223 5912
Michael Fuller
- Program Manager, BABEC
Jennifer Lazare
- Associate Professor, ACC
Expertise That Produces Results
The Texas Biotechnology Pathway—from high school to 2- or 4-year college and on to industry—has been in existence for over 20 years. It is composed of industry-validated skill standards and performance outcomes, up-to-date curriculum, faculty professional development support, diverse student recruitment, and 3rd party testing to ensure student mastery of competencies. We can help you set up a similar career pathway within your school or school district, or even your state.
The Bay Area Biotechnology Education Community (BABEC) provides lab and lesson resources specifically intended to introduce biotechnology to all students in mainstream science classes such as Biology, Living Earth or Environment, and Chemistry. BABEC administers one of the largest kit and equipment-sharing networks in the country, and we can help identify ways to support biotechnology labs in your class or region. We provide continuous training in hands-on lab instruction for teachers who are less familiar with biotechnology.
For more information:
Contact us
Hub Hosts
Austin Community College
Austin, Texas
Bay Area Bioscience Education Community (BABEC)
San Francisco, California